Our Favorite Ornamental Grasses

In our last post we highlighted our favorite Small Scale Evergreen Trees, using our awesome Plantmaster Database. This time we wanted to share some favorite grasses. Truth be told, these selections include “grass like” plants, such as sedges and reeds, as well as true grasses. Many of these grasses are evergreen (indicated with – (EG), providing year round appeal. Grasses are a great component of any planting design, providing a break in texture, form, and color. They range in size from the small Mondo Grass (less than a foot), to towering Miscanthus which may be 6′ or more. These plant genera also host many other interesting and nice cultivars to explore.

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Favorite Ornamental Grasses

Botanical Common
Chondropetalum tectorum Cape Rush (EG)
Calamagrostis X acu. ‘Karl Foerster’ Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass
Carex divulsa Berkeley Sedge (EG)
Deschampsia ces. ‘Northern Lights’ Northern Lights Tufted Hair Grass (EG)
Festuca ‘Siskyou Blue’ Siskyou Blue Fescue (EG)
Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’ Japanese Forest Grass, Hakone Grass
Lomandra ‘Platinum Beauty’ Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra (EG)
Lomandra longifolia ‘Breeze’ Dwarf Mat Rush (EG)
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Morning Light’ Morning Light Silver Grass
Miscanthus transmorrisonensis Evergreen Miscanthus (EG)
Muhlenbergia capillaris ‘Pink Flamingo’ Pink Flamingo Muhly Grass (EG)
Muhlenbergia rigens Deer Grass (EG)
Ophiopogon japonicus Mondo Grass, Lily Grass (EG)
Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’ Black Mondo Grass (EG)
Pennisetum alo. ‘Hamelin’ Hamelin Dwarf Fountain Grass
Sesleria autumnalis Autumn Moor Grass (EG)
Stipa ichu Peruvian Feather Grass (EG)


Cape Rush

Chondropetalum tectorum | Cape Rush


Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass

Calamagrostis X acu. ‘Karl Foerster’ | Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass

Berkeley Sedge

Carex divulsa | Berkeley Sedge

Northern Lights Tufted Hair Grass

Deschampsia ces. ‘Northern Lights’ | Northern Lights Tufted Hair Grass

Siskyou Blue Fescue

Festuca ‘Siskyou Blue’ | Siskyou Blue Fescue

Japanese Forest Grass, Hakone Grass

Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’ | Japanese Forest Grass, Hakone Grass

Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra

Lomandra ‘Platinum Beauty’ | Platinum Beauty™ Lomandra

Dwarf Mat Rush

Lomandra longifolia ‘Breeze’ | Dwarf Mat Rush

Morning Light Silver Grass

Miscanthus sinensis ‘Morning Light’ | Morning Light Silver Grass

Evergreen Eulalia

Miscanthus transmorrisonensis | Evergreen Eulalia

Pink Flamingo Muhly Grass

Muhlenbergia capillaris ‘Pink Flamingo’ | Pink Flamingo Muhly Grass

Deer Grass

Muhlenbergia rigens | Deer Grass

Mondo Grass, Lily Grass

Ophiopogon japonicus | Mondo Grass, Lily Grass

Black Mondo Grass

Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’ | Black Mondo Grass

Hamelin Dwarf Fountain Grass

Pennisetum alo. ‘Hamelin’ | Hamelin Dwarf Fountain Grass

Autumn Moor Grass

Sesleria autumnalis | Autumn Moor Grass

Peruvian Feather Grass

Stipa ichu | Peruvian Feather Grass