Over the years we have developed a landscape care booklet for our customers to accompany our finished projects. Proper care of newly installed landscapes cannot be under-emphasized. The booklet defines the plant and lawn care, watering procedures and special care requirements of elements installed (like wood fence staining, lighting or fountain pump maintenance).
An important point to remember is that a beautiful garden is an investment of both money and time (the home gardener’s or the paid gardening service). Continued care will be required to make the garden thrive and look its best and protect and enhance the initial installation investment. Over time plants may need to be added or removed, mulch refreshed, perennial plants replaced with age. The underlying systems of the garden must also be maintained and repaired from time to time (drainage, sprinklers, lighting, etc.).
While this requires continued thought and effort, it is part of the charm and captivation of the garden. It is a living entity that like all living things does better with love and care.