Here are some images from a project with some small border plantings in San
Rafael. This was the first phase of a larger garden project.
Screening from closely situated neighbors was important for this
property. Here Italian Buckthorn (Rhamnus alaturus), is used to screen
with an understory of Australian Rosemary (Westringea ‘Morning
In the
deep shade between two buildings, a redwood trellis was built for a Star
Jasmine, (Trachelospermum jasminoides), combined with Camellia
Espalliers (Camellia sasanqua) for up against the adjacent building.
The understory was planted with Liriope, Hakone Grass, Coral Bells and other
shade lovers.
the street frontage tough Day Lilies were used with other ornamental grasses
including Jack Spratt New Zealand Flax and species of Carex. The rock borders
were recycled from an existing rock wall onsite.