How We Track Local Weather

On a day where I am sitting in my office, warm and dry, while our crews are rained out, I have been tracking the rain progress online. We use a few different websites to track storms, and play amateur meteorologist. Here are some of our favorite sites-– Doppler/Satellite of West Coast to track storm fronts– 10 Day Forecast for North Bay
National Weather Service- North Bay Forecast
CBS5-Channel 5 local news- Weather site with News Videos
KGO7- Channel 7 Accuweather
NWS- Climate Prediction Center- Gives general information on likelihood of normal or above normal rainfall and weather. This is the type of information meteorologists use to make predictions (take with a grain of salt).– Long term forecast that are supposedly 85% accurate using historical and climate modeling. In reality your odds are about as good in Vegas.

What our crews often quip: Weathermen and women are mentirologos (liarists), from the Spanish mentira (to lie) and meterologist.